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AMS-IX is a neutral member-based association that operates multiple interconnection platforms around the world. Our leading platform in Amsterdam has been playing a crucial role at the core of the internet for nearly 30 years and is one of the largest hubs for internet traffic in the world. Connecting to AMS-IX ensures customers such as internet service providers, telecom companies and cloud providers that their global IP traffic is routed in an efficient, fast, secure, stable and cost-effective way. This allows them to offer low latency and engaging online experiences for end-users.
Frederiksplein 42, 1017 XN Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Recente berichten

ISPConnect en DHPA zijn nu Dutch Cloud Community

We zijn sinds januari 2021 gefuseerd tot de Dutch Cloud Community.

De fusie van ISPConnect en DHPA heeft plaatsgevonden om als nieuwe branchevereniging de belangen te behartigen voor de Nederlandse cloud-, hosting- en internetsector.

Al onze informatie vind je vanaf nu op dutchcloudcommunity.nl