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NovoServe is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service hosting provider. We are here to serve your business requirements, and IT needs in the best possible way.

Our Mission – Changing the game of IT

We have witnessed the development of technology worldwide. And we imagined using our decades of skills and experience to develop the internet as a service further, making it available and affordable to everyone.

Our mission is to empower you with the best innovative Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions. And keep it sustainable for many decades by providing these services with the lowest ecological footprint possible.

Hengelosestraat 201, 7521 AC Enschede
+31 (0) 88 668 62 53

Recente berichten

ISPConnect en DHPA zijn nu Dutch Cloud Community

We zijn sinds januari 2021 gefuseerd tot de Dutch Cloud Community.

De fusie van ISPConnect en DHPA heeft plaatsgevonden om als nieuwe branchevereniging de belangen te behartigen voor de Nederlandse cloud-, hosting- en internetsector.

Al onze informatie vind je vanaf nu op dutchcloudcommunity.nl